Hello beauties & welcome back to my blog!
I have been debating doing a post like this for a while for a couple reasons. One, my blog is based on topics regarding fashion, beauty and lifestyle. Two, it’s not an easy subject to talk about. But, I thought this would be important to discuss. At the end of the day when the clothes get hung up and the make up gets washed off, we are all human and we all face inner demands and insecurities.
I want to first state that I am in no way an expert on this subject nor am I wanting to tell any of you how to feel or how to react. I just wanted to share some of my experiences and how I’ve dealt with them. Along the way I have found some tips and tricks to help deal with my personal insecurities, that I’m hoping will help any of you who are maybe struggling with the same issues.
Lets start out with a little insight. Like many people out there, I have pretty much been insecure my whole life. Self love and my personal self image have been something that I have been working on since middle school. It’s so funny actually looking back on pictures of myself in middle school, because my friends and I dressed in super baggy clothes and were super “tom boy” if you will. Looking back on that era of my life, I think two things. One, I was super carefree and didn’t care what I looked like or what people thought of me. Two, I think I was hiding a lot of my insecurities within those baggy shirts and sweatpants. Moving on into high school, I took a lot of those insecurities with me, that only seemed to get worse and worse.
1. Don’t compare yourself.
This has been something that I have been working on for what seems like FOREVER now. In today’s day and age it is so easy to see a perfect girl or lifestyle on Instagram or a bikini model or even a close friend who maybe has features that you are envious of, or has a body that you want. It is so important that you don’t compare yourself to people. (girls let me know if you can relate.) You just have to remember that NO ONE in this world is you, and no one will ever be you. Don’t hold yourself to absurd expectations. Be grateful for what you do have and ways that you can improve you. for you.
2.Pratice Self Love
This is probably one of the most important steps in over coming insecurities. YOU are the most important person in your life and I think a lot of the time people forget that. I know I do. Just try to focus on loving yourself and blocking out all the negative thoughts and options of others that may be holding you back from doing so. This is so cheesy but this is something I try to do every single day. When I wake up in the morning and look myself in the mirror and give myself a compliment or just simply smile at myself. I know, totally awkward and weird and it does feel weird the first few times you do it, but trust me it helps so much. For me, it feels like I have a “built in friend” within myself that has my back throughout the day. Also a major part of why I love Pinterest is for the quotes. Before getting up in the morning or going to bed at night, read some self love quotes, they help a ton! (Fell free to follow me on Pinterest I post quotes all the time.)HERE
3.Pamper yourself
Don’t forget to take time to do things for you. Weather that is going to get your nails or hair done. Going shopping alone and buying an outfit that makes you feel super confident. Or something as small as going to get some coffee for self. One, of my favorite things to do is take a bath, putting on my favorite face mask and lighting my favorite candle and tuning out the world for a little bit. Focus on you, and do things for yourself. Block the world out and zero in on yourself for a while. Practicing this has helped me tons in the past and still does to this day.
4.Find a hobby or peruse and passion
This has helped me tons in overcoming some of my insecurities. Think of something you are passionate about. Music, sports, art in my case fashion and blogging and RUN WITH IT. Doing something that you are confident in and that you know makes you feel good automatically lifts up your spirts and self confidence. Aside for blogging and working I play soccer three to four times a week at an indoor field. I have played all throughout my childhood, so soccer automatically makes me feel great! Plus doing something that takes your mind off of nativity for a while, gets you out of the house and allows you to become active, no matter what it is. I’ve noticed that when I am working out or doing something that I am passionate about, I gain lots of confidence and I feel really good about myself afterwards.
5.Apperchiate growth
Know that IT IS OKAY to feel the way you are feeling. I know you have all heard people say this a million times but no one is perfect. Insecurities are something that will always be there as much as it sucks to comprehend. But, its all about how you deal with these thoughts and how you better yourself. Never lose sight of who you are and where you started. Something that I was told a while ago that has stuck with me for years now is, “would your little girl self, be proud of the person you are today?” I always think about that. Sometimes, I’ll even pull out a picture of myself when I was little to actually get a visual. Don’t fail your little girl self who was so pure and full of life. Know that you are amazing and know that it’s okay to fail and make mistakes, just don’t forget to get back up and let positive thoughts control how you think and feel about yourself. If you are someone who benefits more from visuals (like me) sometimes when I’m having a really hard time or feeling really down on myself, I’ll close my eyes and visualize myself picking up all of my negative thoughts and pulling them into a big chest. Then, I’ll close the chest and send across the sea. Sometimes if you actually visualize yourself doing something like that, it helps clear your mind.
Alrighty loves, those are my five ways to over come insecurities and different tips that have helped me and continue to help me today. Like I said, I am no expert and I still think and feel these feelings on a daily bases. It’s all about the process. Don’t forget you are loved, you are beautiful and you are unique. Don’t let anyone, (even yourself) tell you differently.
If you guys like personal type posts like this, please let me know! I love sharing and doing posts like this! If you have any questions or comments or you just want to chat, feel free to e-mail me or leave me a comment down below.
Hugs from me to you!